Deals & Discounts
Here are the latest & greatest deals, promos, coupons, & discount codes for Buffery® Flex Uniforms™ all in one place!
Note: Only ONE (1) discount code can be used at a time, so choose wisely & pick the best one for you! The discount codes will be entered at Checkout.
Terms: As a veteran-owned company and to thank you for your service we're proud to partner with GovX and offer a 15% discount to active duty, veteran, & retired military service members and police, fire, and EMS first responders at our store. Non-transferable. Not valid with any other discount or promo. Discount valid only once per day.
Terms: Save money by buying a complete look such as a jacket/coat along with slacks. (It's a "suit" if they're both the same color fabric, but feel free to mix and match colors, you'll still get the discount.) May be paired with Volume Discounts into one system-generated code automatically entered in Checkout. Not valid with any other discount code.
Terms: Save more when you buy more! This is how you can build your wardrobe and grab one in every color - a sliding discount that takes off a discount when certain quantities are purchased. May be paired with Bundle Discounts into one system-generated code automatically entered in Checkout. Not valid with any other discount code.